Tag Archives: Gray Squirrel

Sciuridaes of Greenwood Street

Not what your were expecting?  🙂

The little critters in the backyard provide hours of entertainment for both Cyndie and I as well as our dachshund girls and now the kitty too.  We go out of our way to invite them into our backyard to eat, play and get in all sorts of bird feeder mischief.  Most of the year they all run about in the wood behind the house.  We see them here and there, but nothing like this time of year.  It is good see that the them are still around, getting comfortable and belly’in up to the feeders.  They are especially fond of casa de la squirrel hut.  Complete with a hopper-feeder full of black sunflower seeds.  If you look close you can see Red Foreman in the corner next to the feeder.  He is an ornery cuss and does not care much for the other grays.

2015-11-22 Squirrels of Greenwood Street-7333

Here are the ladies and gents in no particular order.  There are close to two dozen that will meander around the backyard at one time.


2015-04-19 Break In

Break In

2015-04-19 Break In

2015-04-19 Blue Bird Feeder

Blue Bird Feeder

2015-04-19 Blue Bird Feeder

Our Blue Bird feeder was used throughout the winter to feed Blue Jay’s peanuts.  The squirrels caught on fast.

2015-04-01 Can I Help You?

Can I Help You?

2015-04-01Can I Help You

Scenes from the backyard

I was quite entertained last weekend with the most prevalent visitor to our backyard, the Gray Squirrel.  They were quick active and east like the little piggies they are.  Many take turns bellying-up to feed in the squirrel shack.

They also very much enjoy chowing down peanuts from atop the woodpile…as do the Blue jays.  Here are a few other shots from last weekend.


The Faces of Hungry

The many faces of “Hungry” from our backyard.  I assure you, no creatures is hungry for long or actually goes hungry.  Our Gray Squirrels, along with the occasional sparrow,  love their sunflower seeds.  All are quite fat and happy.

2015-01-09 Backyard-DTP_6402-6402-Edit2015-01-09 Backyard-DTP_6403-6403-Edit 2015-01-09 Backyard-DTP_6404-6404-Edit