pre-sunrise color

PRE-SUNSRISE COLOR – Bay City, WI #presunrisecolor


There is nothing quite like the the palette of color nature displays prior to the sun rising above the horizon.  Pre-sunrise color can be quite spectacular; as was the case this morning.

Don’t forget to look all around before the sun comes up and the vivid color is gone.

pre-sunrise color
iPhone pano

Once the sun broke the horizon the pinks/reds disappeared; the blue and yellow became more defined.


A constant stream of ducks doing flybys pre-sunrise; if you look close enough you can see them in one of the shots.  There were lots of geese honking.  A single pair a swans swam close by.  Two eagles chattered on and on in a nearby Cottonwood Tree.  What a great morning and start to the day.



6 thoughts on “PRE-SUNSRISE COLOR – Bay City, WI #presunrisecolor”

  1. I always enjoy your photographs. I agree that predawn color can disappear in the blink of an eye. I get many predawn shots from my window, but have often missed the better ones, just while picking up the camera! Thank you for sharing the pics with us! Emily

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