Dancing Steam

DANCING STEAM – Bay City, Wi #sunrise


Every time I see the steam rising off of the open water one of Abbas songs starts to play in my head with queen replaced with steam.  You know the song I am referring to.  Good luck getting that out of your head now.  You are welcome 🙂

This a.m. I remembered my spotlight and managed a short snippet of the steam.  It was -11 and the camera froze up in just under an hour.

Dancing Steam
Nikon D700 | ISO 800 | 150mm | f/7.1 | 1/160 second
Nikon D700 | ISO 800 | 150mm | f/7.1 | 1/40 second

It was a pretty spectacular sunset this a.m.  The color was beautiful.

Dancing Steam


Dancing Steam
Just before sunrise
Dancing Steam

Here is a panorama I shot; you can see the long line of steam

Dancing Steam

No drone photos/video this a.m.  Too cloud to stand around for very long.

2 thoughts on “DANCING STEAM – Bay City, Wi #sunrise”

  1. The variety of colors that paint the sky at sunrise and sunset are so spectacular. Thanks for catching some of them! Emily

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