09.10.14 – Robert Street Bridge no. 3

Robert Street Bridge no 3.

2014-09-10 Roberts Street Bridge #3

09.09.14 – Signals


2014-09-09 Signals

09.08.14 – Reverence

Morning Prayer.

2014-09-08 Reverence

09.07.14 – C.A.R.


2014-09-07 C.A.R.

09.06.14 – Roller Commute

Roller Commute.

2014-09-06 Roller Commute

09.05.14 – Frog Town Diner

Frog Town Diner.

2014-09-05 Frog Town Diner

Eau Claire County Abandoned | WI Driftless Area

Luck was with us once again on our travels to and from Augusta, WI last Sunday.  It was a double good find once again.  Two abandoned farmsteads.  These two had some character and wonderful light.

We barely covered the whole county and I am sure there are even more in the area.  There were several coop farms along our route.  Lots of coop farms usually means there is a very good chance that there will be other abandoned farmsteads in the vicinity.  That’s been my experience anyway.

We actually ran into a third but the day was getting on, the sun was going down and we were tired.  There is always next time.

09.04.14 – Capital


2014-09-04 Captial

09.03.14 – Bicycle


2014-09-03 Bicycle

09-02-14 – Alley no. 9

Alley no. 9 #Alleys

2014-09-02 Alley #9