Trail Ridge Road, Rocky Mountain National Park’s heavily traveled highway to the sky. It inspired awe before the first motorist ever traveled it. “It is hard to describe what a sensation this new road is going to make,” predicted Horace Albright, director of the National Park Service, in 1931 during the road’s construction. “You will have the whole sweep of the Rockies before you in all directions.” ~National Park Service
We were in Denver for a family reunion in August 2017. Afterward we set out to visit a few favorite location around Colorado. Cyndie and I had the privilege once again to visit Rocky Mountain National Park in August 2017.
[Past trip photos: September 2016 RMNP Trip]
One can never tire of the views on this road to the sky. I revel in every opportunity to spend time peering out over these mountain-scapes. I am grateful for each opportunity to add more photos of this extraordinarily beautiful place to my collection.
Mountain Plants
Forest Canyon Overlook
Lucy Loo
Our amazing little lovable bundle of energy, Lucy, accompanied us on this trip. She did well with the altitude and all the excitement. She appeared to be very thrilled with being compared in size to a Marmot.
Views: 481
I LOVE RMNP! Beautiful photos although Lucy does not look amused that we were comparing her to a Marmot