2015-11-14 P.R.F.D.

Pelican Rapids Fire Department

2015-11-14 Pelican Rapids Fire Department

Views: 43

2015-11-13 Phoenix Signs

Phoenix Signs

2015-11-13 Phoenix Signs

Views: 54

2015-11-12 Red Wing Blackbirds

Red Wing Blackbirds

2015-11-12 Red Wing Blackbirds

Views: 57

2015-11-11 The Other Store

The Other Store

2015-11-11 The Other Store

Views: 41

2015-11-10 Brewer Apartments

Brewer Apartments

2015-11-10 Brewer Apartments

Views: 45

2015-11-09 Sinclair Station

Sinclair Station

2015-11-09 Sinclair Station

Views: 67

Return to Fort Snelling State Park…more

Fort Snelling State Park

I neglected to post the sunrise shot from my visit to Fort Snelling State Park yesterday.  This particular landing on Snelling Lake doesn’t afford a direct line to sunrise at this time of year.  It does offer a view of the Hwy 55 Mendota Bridge along with reflections from its lights; with some clouds in the sky, it is a rather picturesque view.

2015-11-07 Fort Snelling State Park-Snelling Lake

I also skipped over posting photos from the previous day when I scouted out Pike Island.  I arrived at noon and the park was pretty quiet.  I met one photographer returning to the parking lot as I headed out.  He said he photographed a few bucks. That’s all I needed to hear.  I found one buck out on Pike Island along with a doe and a several turkeys.  All good signs that the trip tomorrow morning would no doubt be action-packed; it was.  Here are some photos from the 2 hours I spent on Pike Island on Friday afternoon.


Views: 301

2015-11-08 Standard Oil

Standard Oil

2015-11-08 Standard Oil

Views: 74

Return to Fort Snelling State Park #exploremn

Fort Snelling State Park

Today marked another successful trip to Fort Snelling State Park.  To be in the presence of and photograph magnificent Whitetail deer is exhilarating.  Last year was my first time at the state park hunting deer with a camera.  The experience this year was very similar to last.  The weather was much warmer and the timing a week later in November.  I could ramble on about the deer I saw and wild turkeys that where everywhere, but I’ll let the photos speak for the experience.

Views: 317

2015-11-07 Sunflowers


2015-11-07 Sunflowers

Views: 76