2015-11-21 IDEAL Diner #idealdiner


2015-11-21 IDEAL Diner

Views: 65

2015-11-20 Sandhills


2015-11-20 Sandhills

Views: 90

2015-11-19 Rural No. 11

Rural No. 11 | Barnyard

2015-11-19 Barnyard

Views: 232

Flashes of Light & Shadows #time-lapse

Rustic Road 51, Maiden Rock, WI

This is the 2nd part of the time-lapse I shot on Friday, November 13th, 2015.  This was shot in the same location as Sun Flares; utilizing a different angle of view.

Pine Creek

Sun Flares was shot in the direction of the blue arrow and this sequence in the direction of the red arrow.  The location is along a stretch of Rustic Road 51 close to from Maiden Rock, WI (off of Hwy 35 and AA).  My original intent was to tie the two different angles of view together with a third, but the third sequence did not turn out.  The result was two independent parts instead of a three-view start to finish video.  I’ll try again.

2015-11-13 Pine Creek-2534 2015-11-13 Pine Creek-7107

I didn’t anticipate any traffic, but I am glad I positioned the camera just off the road.  Six cars came through while I was shooting.  Here is the other view from the 2 1/2 hours of shooting.

Views: 299

2015-11-18 100 Years

100 Years

2015-11-17 100 Years

Views: 88

2015-11-17 Missing Ampersand?

Missing Ampersand?

2015-11-17 Harold's Green Isle

Views: 46

Sun Flares #time-lapse

Pine Creek

I’ve admired time-lapse photography for some time now; mostly through viewing websites on the Internet and what you see on TV from time to time.  I can attest that once you get the bug to give it go, you can easily get hook – for a time anyway.  As mentioned in a previous post, time-lapse photography is time-intensive.  Last week I made some time for more practice.

The second shoot of the week was in another favorite location – Pine Creek.  A lovely little spring creek not far from Maiden Rock, WI (off of Hwy 35 and AA; then Rustic Road 51).

2015-11-13 Pine Creek-2535

I setup right in the stream just off of the road.  I did not figure I would encounter any traffic in the early morning hours along this minimum maintenance road, but I was wrong.  You’ll notice a few instances of ripples in the video as a result.

2015-11-13 Pine Creek-7118

The sun had already risen and was making its way along the ridge of the bluff out in front of me.  The sun flares that resulted as the sun rose higher in the air were very nice surprise.  I had only anticipated cloud movement in the sky as well as reflected in the stream.  I also had hoped for some moving shadows; those were more prevalent in the other angle I shot (next post).  I shot for 2 1/2 hours in his location.  I am pretty happy with the result.

Views: 316

2015-11-16 The Chief Theatre

The Chief Theatre

2015-11-16 Chief Theatre

Views: 71

And They Danced #time-lapse

2015-11-11 TL Bay City 2 (166 of 254)-Edit

It’s been a while since I have dabbled with time-lapse photography.  I had some time the other day and decided to give it another whirl.  It was a picture perfect morning for a sunrise.  The clouds were a bit thick, but that ended up to be a great feature.  The sun rose through the clouds during the whole shoot.  The sun rays danced on endlessly through the early morning.

Shooting time-lapse is a significant investment of time – or at least I think so.  I brought along a book to pass the time.  The three sequence were shot between 6:58 a.m. – 9:04 a.m. on 2015-11-11 in Bay City, WI.

2015-11-13 Pine Creek-2518

I planned on capturing slightly different views and mashing them up together afterword.  As it were, the intervalometer on camera 2 was only set for 90 frames (instead of 999). Live and learn; check every single setting twice.  Set white balance.  Compose and focus; then switch to manual focus so lens doesn’t attempt to focus for each frame.  Manual mode for exposure.  Check those setting twice to be sure.  It is rather disappointing when you spend a few hours capturing time-lapse only to hundreds of unusable frames.  I started shoot these sequences at ISO 200, 18mm; I did however make some adjustments along the way.  I started at F/11 @ 1/40 sec and end up at F/14 @ 1/640 sec.  The changes where gradual with several frames between changes.

I took this learning opportunity to move and setup with a dramatically different angle of view.  There was a nice-sized bit of drift wood on he beach that created an interesting foreground.  I’ve only used my new Manffroto PIXI Table Top Tripod a few times; this is exactly what I envisioned using it for.

2015-11-13 Pine Creek-2521

I ended up with two shorter segments and one longer one – longer being completely relative here as the final product is only 57 seconds long.  The time-lapse sequences were produced in VideoVelocity 3 by Candy Labs.  The sequences were mashed up together in Windows Movie Maker.

The final product is below with music added by Kai Engle – With Redemption.


Views: 313

2015-11-15 Armful


2015-11-15 Armful

Views: 105