Cold Mail. This is a frequent sight on the back-roads I have frequented as of late. Snow banks are high and mailboxes are either filled with snow or laying 20 yards away from their original place having suffered a blast from a plow.
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Thats some serious snow ! I like the new look of the blog Dan
Thanks Joe. I have been wrestling with different themes. Hosting your own blog allows for more options, which can [at times] bring more headaches. Just when I though I found a theme that will work, something changes with it. I don’t want to spend my time on maintenance/configuring so I went with something clean and simple that is still feature-rich.
I love this photo. I’m really enjoying your winter shots. I have noticed for nearly a week now, I cannot click your “Like” button. It appears to be “loading” but it never gets finished loading – even when I leave your blog site up for hours. I have not had this problem with other blogs I follow. Just wanted to let you know, Dan. I love your photography and would LOVE to click LIKE to let you know!
Thank you!
The “Like” button issue is not new. It is sometimes remedied by pressing F5 (reloading the page). This works for me on my PC, but doesn’t work for my wife who has the exact same PC and browser version. The same thing happens on my work computer and F5 fixes it. The “Like” button is a part of a plugin pack from I had this issue before when I had my blog hosted with; now I host it myself, but utilize their tools (plugins).
I use and see the problem mostly through Google Chrome. Internet Explorer seems to load the Like o.k. (ver 9). Browsers are updated so often that sometimes features get broken :-/ before developers can address them. It is possible that this is a theme issue or related to browser plugins. I haven’t been able to figure it out :-/
I did some searching and I will try reloading the jetpack plugin and see if that helps. I will also remove the likes from my main site page and only have them on my posts to see if that helps. Thanks for pointing this out.
It worked Dan! Thanks. And I have had WordPress issues while in Explorer but I’ve yet to have issues with Chrome. Perhaps my luck has run out! LOL
Its frightening! Because it’s so accurate! lol
Now that is some snow!