04.22.14 – Cloud Wiring

Cloud Wiring.

04-22-14 Cloud Wiring

Views: 173

8 thoughts on “04.22.14 – Cloud Wiring”

  1. Ha ha! It almost appears the clouds are being supported by the high lines! I love this perspective… and in part, I love the photos you take of power structures – my husband works in the generation side of the electrical industry. Very cool stuff to me. I have many of my own photographs of power structures and stations.

    1. Thank you. I’ve been watching this new substation take shape for many months. Lots of equipment, new high wire lines coming in; now going out. Big stuff.

  2. You write the most clever heads.

    I shot a few power line images this past weekend in southwestern Minnesota. I notice them so much more on the prairie with the wide open spaces and big sky.

      1. Yup, had to ask the son last year about this “cloud stuff” as he worked for a company at the North Dakota State University Technology Incubator that was into “cloud stuff.” I’m learning.

        I love when something you see strikes your fancy and translates into a compelling photo with equally compelling head.

  3. great title…very cool photo! I see you changed your theme again…I like this one a great deal! I see by your photo album I’ve missed many posts…that happens to me often with those I follow…Wordpress has many hick ups!!!

    1. Thanks! I am having a hard time finding a theme that really fits. I know I don’t always visit all the blogs I follow, but I try. Sometimes there isn’t enough hours in the day. If I could only get paid to blog…how nice would that be 🙂 WordPress does have a fair bit of hick ups. Since I began hosting/managing my own blog, these hick ups are even more apparent – even with certain plugin, you are somewhat disconnected with the large WordPress community.

      1. I know…a theme is such a personal thing…but I really like the grey background…I’ve seen a number of blogs with it and find the color allows the photos to really pop! I’d like to use the grey but that means I have to buy the upgrade and I’ve not done it yet!!! 🙁 Never mind, I follow at least a couple of hundred blogs I’m sure, but honestly I only stop and visit those blogs whose photos inspire me, as yours do… that is if/when I get them in my reader! I often find the blogs I want to stop and visit missing from my reader…one of those hick ups! Oh well, it is what it is… 🙂

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