Tag Archives: Snow



Sprague Lake is a scenic lake in Rocky Mountain National Park, located on the south side of Glacier Creek, about two miles south of the Hollowell turnoff. The half-mile walk around the lake is wheelchair accessible and features boardwalks and bridges with views of Flattop Mountain and Hallet Peak. The lake is popular for Brook trout fishing.

The area is named after Abner Sprague, who started a homestead there in 1874.  Later, he opened a lodge for dude ranching, hunting, and fishing. To improve the fishing, he dammed the far end of the lake. The area became part of Rocky Mountain National Park in 1915 and continued to serve guests as the Sprague Hotel. In 1919, guests paid $6.00 per room with a private bath, and $1.00 for regular meals. The hotel, which no longer exists, stood near the present-day parking lot.

Sprague Lake Loop – rockymountainhikingtrails.com

2020-09-09 RMNP-
Panorama of Sprague Lake
2020 CO Wildfire Map

Our recent visit in September 2020 was not typically.  Wildfires were burning in several areas across Colorado; including in Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP).  We were in Denver a few days prior waiting on the snow storm to roll in an hopefully dampen the fire some.  I think it helped, but no near enough.  We were not entirely sure we would be able to enter the park as result.

My wife and I really enjoy our visits to Colorado.  We are fond of RMNP and the Sprague Lake area.  Since being married here in 2013, we make every effort to return whenever in the area.  This last trip wasn’t all that different than the November day in 2013 when we both said “I do.”  There was more snow this time and the

lake wasn’t frozen over.  The trail around the lake is very easy to navigate and the views are beautiful; even with the clouds obscuring the view of the mountains.

Views: 273

SEASONAL HUES | BROWNS & BLUES – Pine Creek, Maiden Rock, WI


Pine Creek, view from Lake Pepin

2020-03-14 DF079 Pine Creek-0001-Edit

Ice breaking up

2020-03-14 DF079 Pine Creek-0258-Edit

Railroad Trestle from above

2020-03-14 DF079 Pine Creek-0265

Pine Creek, Valley View

2020-03-14 DF079 Pine Creek-0266-Edit

Lake Pepin view from Pine Creek valley

2020-03-14 DF079 Pine Creek-0001-2-Edit

Views: 344

DUST IN THE WIND – Minnesota/Wisconsin #dust


The weather on Wednesday afternoon (4/10) into Thursday (4/11) across Minnesota was terrible.  There was some dust in the wind that brought this lovely weather our way.

My normal community route, Hwy 52 North this a.m.  Glad I stayed home

While out snow-blowing, shoveling this a.m.; when I was out for a short drive this afternoon as well, I noticed that the snow and sleet had a different hue to it.  This is why.  Dust updraft from West TX and Southeast New Mexico made its way into the snow/sleet that fell overnight here in the upper Midwest.   Now that is some dust in the wind!

texas dust updraft to MN-WI Snow Storm

You can plainly see the difference in hue of the dust in these images taken this afternoon.

2019-04-11 D700 Snow-Sleet Storm-2043
The color difference is subtle, but you can still see it.
2019-04-11 D700 Snow-Sleet Storm-2040
The color of dust is easily discernible here.
2019-04-11 D700 Snow-Sleet Storm-2039
…here as well

Dust in the Wind 😀

Views: 315

RETURN TO PINE CREEK – Maiden Rock, WI #aerialphotography


A return to Pine Creek this last Thursday evening produced some nice light.  I have hoped to capture a decent sunset panorama in the valley – a mix of color and clouds, but no luck yet.  The weekends in March haven’t yielded such a situation.  It was better than total gray like previous visits.  The melt has been on and the water is high again.

Pine Creek meets the Mississippi River


Panoramas from a previous trip; you can see how high the water was.


PINE CREEK PANOS – Maiden Rock, WI #aerialphotography | 

Views: 209

PINE CREEK PANOS – Maiden Rock, WI #aerialphotography


I’ve been waiting for the month of March to get here to create some Pine Creek Panos.  The sun sets for the entire month over Frontenac State Park; it lines up perfectly with the valley that Pine Creek emanates from.

PE_Pine Creek

The first attempt at capturing an aerial sunset from this valley was cloudy unfortunately.  Hopefully one weekend  this March will yield some amazing color.

Pine Creek East View
Pine Creek West View
360 Sphere

This is a really beautiful spot.  A very picturesque valley.  I am looking forward to capturing more seasons from here.

2019-03-02 DF021 Pine Creek-0815-Pano

Views: 280

BEFORE THE STORMS COME – Hager City, WI #lovelyafternoon


Another finally Friday; the work week is done.  I look forward to the weekends and photography sunrise/sunset.  However, the forecast for this weekend looks like total crap.  Freezing rain, snow, high winds – blizzard warning oh my.  A recipe for a Netflix binge no doubt.   I took advantage of the nice weather Friday afternoon before the storms come.  It was nice to get out and fly.

First Stop

I didn’t venture too far; just across the Mississippi River from Red Wing into Wisconsin.  My first stop was Pucketville right next to the Harbor Bar.  There is a nice view of Red Wing from there and the Jamaican Jerk cuisine is fantastic.

Second Stop

I wanted to get a shot of the Trimbelle River tail waters, but wasn’t able to get a close enough.  It is a bit difficult to see, but it is out in the distance about center frame.  You can see the bridge over the Trimbelle River on Hwy 35 or the right side of the frame.  I will have to dress appropriately next time and go for a hike.  The patches of evergreens are interesting.   A few hundred feet up sure offers a different perspective.

Trimbelle River Tail Waters

Third Stop

I drove around a bit more until I found myself near the gravel pit on Cty Rd VV.  This area looked pretty interesting while hovering over the bluff tops.  The exposed rock from the gravel pit, the road through the valley and if you look closely, you’ll see the little town of Hager City, WI in the middle of the frame.

I really love the bluff country where I live.   I look forward to photographing it from the air in all seasons.

Views: 2147

2016-12-31 Aghart Records

Aghart Records

2016-12-31 Aghart Records

Views: 299

2016-12-30 Little Grocery

Little Grocery

2016-12-30 Little Grocery

Views: 291

2016-12-29 Lake Pepin

Lake Pepin

2016-12-29 Lake Pepin

Views: 294

2016-12-28 Mississippi River

Mississippi River

2016-12-28 Mississippi

Views: 332