Tag Archives: Pine Creek

SEASONAL HUES | BROWNS & BLUES – Pine Creek, Maiden Rock, WI


Pine Creek, view from Lake Pepin

2020-03-14 DF079 Pine Creek-0001-Edit

Ice breaking up

2020-03-14 DF079 Pine Creek-0258-Edit

Railroad Trestle from above

2020-03-14 DF079 Pine Creek-0265

Pine Creek, Valley View

2020-03-14 DF079 Pine Creek-0266-Edit

Lake Pepin view from Pine Creek valley

2020-03-14 DF079 Pine Creek-0001-2-Edit

Views: 344

RETURN TO PINE CREEK – Maiden Rock, WI #aerialphotography


A return to Pine Creek this last Thursday evening produced some nice light.  I have hoped to capture a decent sunset panorama in the valley – a mix of color and clouds, but no luck yet.  The weekends in March haven’t yielded such a situation.  It was better than total gray like previous visits.  The melt has been on and the water is high again.

Pine Creek meets the Mississippi River


Panoramas from a previous trip; you can see how high the water was.


PINE CREEK PANOS – Maiden Rock, WI #aerialphotography | 

Views: 209

PINE CREEK PANOS – Maiden Rock, WI #aerialphotography


I’ve been waiting for the month of March to get here to create some Pine Creek Panos.  The sun sets for the entire month over Frontenac State Park; it lines up perfectly with the valley that Pine Creek emanates from.

PE_Pine Creek

The first attempt at capturing an aerial sunset from this valley was cloudy unfortunately.  Hopefully one weekend  this March will yield some amazing color.

Pine Creek East View
Pine Creek West View
360 Sphere

This is a really beautiful spot.  A very picturesque valley.  I am looking forward to capturing more seasons from here.

2019-03-02 DF021 Pine Creek-0815-Pano

Views: 280

PINE CREEK – Maiden Rock, WI #aerialphotography


After shooting sunrise in Bay City Friday morning  and heading further down river to Maiden Rock chasing the sunrise, I went to a favorite spot of mine close by to explore it from a whole new perspective.   I have many fond memories of Pine Creek as child.  There was a pretty amazing restoration project in this area and the recreation area open to the public is very nice.  Here is an article about the Pine Creek Project from August 2018.

2019-01-11 DF006 – Pine Creek-0327-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/2.8| 1/640 seconds | 10.26 mm | 5 Frames
2019-01-11 DF006 – Pine Creek-0343-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/2.8| 1/640 seconds | 10.26 mm | 7 Frames

The views directly overhead were pretty great.  Love capturing this new point of view.



Views: 222

Flashes of Light & Shadows #time-lapse

Rustic Road 51, Maiden Rock, WI

This is the 2nd part of the time-lapse I shot on Friday, November 13th, 2015.  This was shot in the same location as Sun Flares; utilizing a different angle of view.

Pine Creek

Sun Flares was shot in the direction of the blue arrow and this sequence in the direction of the red arrow.  The location is along a stretch of Rustic Road 51 close to from Maiden Rock, WI (off of Hwy 35 and AA).  My original intent was to tie the two different angles of view together with a third, but the third sequence did not turn out.  The result was two independent parts instead of a three-view start to finish video.  I’ll try again.

2015-11-13 Pine Creek-2534 2015-11-13 Pine Creek-7107

I didn’t anticipate any traffic, but I am glad I positioned the camera just off the road.  Six cars came through while I was shooting.  Here is the other view from the 2 1/2 hours of shooting.

Views: 299

Sun Flares #time-lapse

Pine Creek

I’ve admired time-lapse photography for some time now; mostly through viewing websites on the Internet and what you see on TV from time to time.  I can attest that once you get the bug to give it go, you can easily get hook – for a time anyway.  As mentioned in a previous post, time-lapse photography is time-intensive.  Last week I made some time for more practice.

The second shoot of the week was in another favorite location – Pine Creek.  A lovely little spring creek not far from Maiden Rock, WI (off of Hwy 35 and AA; then Rustic Road 51).

2015-11-13 Pine Creek-2535

I setup right in the stream just off of the road.  I did not figure I would encounter any traffic in the early morning hours along this minimum maintenance road, but I was wrong.  You’ll notice a few instances of ripples in the video as a result.

2015-11-13 Pine Creek-7118

The sun had already risen and was making its way along the ridge of the bluff out in front of me.  The sun flares that resulted as the sun rose higher in the air were very nice surprise.  I had only anticipated cloud movement in the sky as well as reflected in the stream.  I also had hoped for some moving shadows; those were more prevalent in the other angle I shot (next post).  I shot for 2 1/2 hours in his location.  I am pretty happy with the result.

Views: 316