Previously published @ // Parts: 1 |2 | 3 | 4
iPhoneography is no doubt not a new term to most of you. I am just now getting around to really exploring it. For those that still may linger in the dark and are unfamiliar, it is the combination of “iPhone” and “Photography.” Super clever eh. ||more on that||
I didn’t abandon my bulky DSLR for those new-fangled, fancy-dancy point and shoots; I am certainly not going to give it up for a picture-taking-phone-thingy either. There is no denying the convenience and even performance of today’s camera phones. These smart devices have already affected the camera market and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. As I mentioned in a earlier post, The Future of Photography, people are buying point and shoot cameras less and simply relying on their smartphones for their photography needs. There are fun things you can use in conjunction with smartphones that make the experience perhaps somewhat more desirable.
I recently had the pleasure of receiving an iPro 5S Trio Kit Series 2 from Schneider Optics (retail $229.00). I was instantly impressed and wowed. This system is a hardware add-on that allows you to screw on lenses; it’s magnificent. |
The Trio Kit has everything you need to immediately enhance the quality of your iPhone 5S photos. In the kit you’ll find the cleverly designed case, molded to firmly but comfortably fit your iPhone 5S. The iPro handle can attach to either side of the case and serves as both a tripod mount and a case for your lenses. The Tele, Super Wide, and Macro lenses bayonet easily on to the case providing options to add width, depth, and details to all your shots.
These little lenses deliver some impressive results. The build quality looks and feels substantial. I have no complaints.

IPRO .45x Super Wide Lens S2 Specs (35mm Equivalency):
Still Mode |
Video Mode |
iPhone Native Lens |
30 mm |
42 mm |
with iPro Super Wide |
14 mm |
19 mm |

IPRO 2x Tele Lens S2 Specs (35mm Equivalency):
Still Mode |
Video Mode |
iPhone Native Lens |
30 mm |
42 mm |
with 2x Tele Lens |
60 mm |
80 mm |

IPRO Macro Lens S2
With 2.5X magnification the new Macro lens provides razor-sharp details enhancing emotion in your portraits and giving your very small subjects a very big presence. From flowers, stamps, coins, and jewelry, to that weird bug you found in the bathtub, this Macro Lens has you covered.
There are two other lenses currently available: wide-angle and fish-eye – full list here.
I brought the iPro lens system with me on a recent trip to Colorado. It travels well with its very compact size. The handle/tripod holds the lenses well while not in use. All I have mentioned thus far are what I receive to be pluses. To be fair, this system isn’t perfect, but close. My iPhone is in an Otterbox. To use this system I have to dig it out of the case and switch it up with the system-specific case. There isn’t really any other way to screw a lens on without having the special case. I am not sure this is a con. The case is sturdy, but does lack full frontal phone protection. If Schneider Optics would have partnered up with Otterbox on this venture, it would be perfect. Schneider Optics really did their homework on this and produced a real quality product that is very easy to use and well made. The iPro Lens System is currently available for iPhone 4/5, Galaxy S4 & iPad Mini.
What do these lenses look like in action? I will post photography examples in an upcoming post: iPhoneography p2. I really look forward to seeing what I can do with this system while working with the limitations of camera phones.
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