Fall 2013 MN North Shore series
Day 3 was the day – the morning actually – the sunrise shoot we had hoped for back in July when we planned this trip. I love it when a plan comes together! Hollow Rock was right outside our cabin; a mere 100 yards or so to the shooting location on the rocky beach. That morning was absolutely gorgeous. Everything came together nicely. The clouds, color and sun all working in perfect harmony.
Gunflint Trail to Grand Portage
After an epic sunrise experience we set out to explore forest roads between the Gunflint Trail and Grand Portage. The color around Grand Portage [although past prime] was better than Grand Marais. I’ve never seen so many Ruffed Grouse in my life. I seen as many birds on this trip as I had all the years I used to upland hunt. We were also searching for the third waterfall, Partridge Falls, on the Pigeon River and eventually found it. We were unable to find a decent falls vantage point down river for a good photograph, but enjoyed the location just the same. It is quite peaceful out in the middle of nowhere. Natures beauty really consumes and carries you around from one location to the next. At one point our travels were impeded by the handiwork some busy beavers.
One bit of advice whilst out and about in strange lands and big wilderness – study a map or two before you set out. GPS, on more than one occasion, failed to provide adequate direction. A little bit of mystery is fine, but having a general idea of where you will be traveling – starting and ending up – is paramount to a good trip. “Ready to Navigate” displayed on the GPS, although humorous, is not helpful at all. As you can see from the Lightroom Map Module below from GPS data, we covered some ground over three days. It was a fabulous trip and experience with my betrothed.
Here are some photos from Day 3.
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