The weather on Wednesday afternoon (4/10) into Thursday (4/11) across Minnesota was terrible. There was some dust in the wind that brought this lovely weather our way.
My normal community route, Hwy 52 North this a.m. Glad I stayed home
While out snow-blowing, shoveling this a.m.; when I was out for a short drive this afternoon as well, I noticed that the snow and sleet had a different hue to it. This is why. Dust updraft from West TX and Southeast New Mexico made its way into the snow/sleet that fell overnight here in the upper Midwest. Now that is some dust in the wind!
#GOES16 Split Window (10.3-12.3 µm) brightness temperature difference showing one the more impressive blowing #dust signatures I've seen in a long while: https://t.co/TuyV7GQVuz pic.twitter.com/v7YETnyd8g
— Scott Bachmeier (@CIMSS_Satellite) April 11, 2019
You can plainly see the difference in hue of the dust in these images taken this afternoon.

Dust in the Wind
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