Tag Archives: Michigan

HUNTERS POINT, COPPER HARBOR, MI – Autumn Color #puremichigan


Hunter’s Point Park is a special place to Copper Harbor residents as well as visitors to the area. Access to the point was in jeopardy a few of years ago when a development company purchased it along with the surrounding property. It is now a Township Park and continues to be open to the public.

Hunter’s Point is bursting with natural wonders. Flora is abundant; wildflowers, lichen, mosses, cedars, hardwoods and pines. Otters, martins, beavers, deer, squirrels, chipmunks and various other wildlife enjoy the area too. The geological formations are special on the point. The basalt in this area is the oldest rock on earth-essentially, the earths crust. It’s like a window to the past.

Add Hunter’s Point Park and other attractions to your Copper Harbor trip itinerary using our Copper Harbor route maker tool.

Hunters Point park is just under a 10 acre parcel of land with 4000+ feet of shoreline.  It is  a great spot to explore and stretch your legs.  There are interesting rock formations to examine and lots of birds and other wildlife scurrying about.

The upper peninsula of Michigan is a splendor of color to behold in the Autumn season.  It was also windy when we were there.  I didn’t get to fly my drone as much as I would have liked, but did manage to get in the air a few time when the wind calmed down for a moment.  Hunters Point was one of those calms spots…for a moment.

Views: 240

WOLVERINE MINE, MI – Autumn Color #puremichigan


The Wolverine Mine was a small copper mining operation in the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan, that was in operation from January 1882 until November 1884. In August 1890, possession of the company was obtained and reorganized as the Wolverine Copper Mining Company.  It mined the Kearsarge lode until 1922 when it closed. ~wikipedia

Untitled-1 These photos were shot from the faint yellow circle area between Centennial and Wolverine.

2019-10-14 DF075 UP MI-0001-2-Edit
180 Panorama
180 Panorama – Slaughterhouse Creek

This structure looks like it was built well after 1922.  I wasn’t able to find solid information to confirm what exactly is going on here, but it appears to be mining.  The wind had been quite strong during our trip and it just happened to let up while in the area so I went to the air to capture some scenery and Fall color.

360 Panorama
360 Sphere

I managed to find some old photos of Wolverine Mine
~ www.mindat.org


Views: 232