Tag Archives: Lake Pepin

AS THE WATER RECEDES – Bay City, WI #plasticpolution


As the water recedes there remains an unfortunate scene.  If it were only driftwood and leaves, no worries would there be.  The plastic though – six pack rings, soda and booze bottles, snuff and worm containers and butane lighters litter the shore in Bay City Bay.  You can see the line of debris on the road in the photos below.

Lake Pepin Blvd – Bay City Park
2019-04-03 DF039 Bay City-0001-5-Edit
Lake Pepin Blvd – Bay City Park

It’s troubling to see.  The Styrofoam chunks.  The flip flops and sandals missing their other half.  Unbroken light bulbs even.  The trash.  It’s an ugly sight in such a beautiful place.  A very small sample of 2,320 miles of Mississippi River shoreline.

Plastic pollution is terrible.  Everyone has seen what is happening in the oceans.  I see this a lot in the local trout streams I fish.  My fishing net is most often full of cans, bottles and plastic worm containers each time I leave the stream.  My wife and I constantly retrieve plastic bottles from the Bay City area while kayaking.  Each and every time I encounter this, I utter to myself, “what the hell is wrong with people?”  I understand that plastic is extremely useful – especially in healthcare.  How some can so carelessly discard it is beyond comprehension.   This is only going to get worse unless people start thinking beyond the convenience of today.

Give A Hoot
Litter is every town’s dirty little secret. No one wants to admit how ugly it is, or the fact that it is getting worse despite decades of anti-litter education such as those early-’70s posters and commercials whose taglines were “Don’t be a litterbug” and “Give a hoot. Don’t pollute.”

The dirtiest part of this dirty secret is that many if not most litterers are young. They’re not so young that they don’t realize what they’re doing. They’re cognizant enough to acquire the snacks and cigarettes in the first place, to choose from a selection of products and brands and pay for their selections. When they litter, they know they’re littering.

don’t be a litter bug

The bulk of the problem in my estimation

Some people litter because they’ve come to believe that whatever they do, others will pick up after them. They have no sense of responsibility. This idea was confirmed by a veteran California highway patrolman who reported that in his twenty years-plus of pulling drivers over for tossing litter out their car windows — a misdemeanor punishable by fines of up to $1,000 — not once had an offender ever apologized once caught. They either denied having littered or shrugged off the act as insignificant ~ Rob Wallace, Keep America Beautiful

Plastic pollution links

National Geographic 

Beyond the oceans—microplastics pollute rivers and lakes, too

Prevent plastic pollution in waterways

A initiative to keep trash out of the waterways

Other links

The Irish Times
Talking rubbish: what makes people litter?

End Littering
Keep America Beautiful

Views: 761

NOT MUCH OF A SUNRISE – Bay City, WI #sunrise


This morning was pretty dull.  There was not much of sunrise at all.  The color was small and brief on the horizon.  So brief I almost missed it prepping the drone for flight.  I was happy to be out anyway with the possibility of another foot of snow coming tomorrow.

I barely drained the a battery getting this shot so captured a bit more of the town I grew up in the first 4 years of my life; a town I spend many sunrises in annually.  These bluff lands are a beautiful area.  It’s hard to imagine living anywhere else…ur…um, except this time of year.  I could picture myself living all kinds of places.  This winter needs to end.

360 Sphere

Views: 225

SO COLD IT HURTS SUNRISE – Bay City, WI #sunrise


When I arrived at Bay City Campground this a.m. if was -23F.  It’s that type of weather that is so cold it hurts.   The parking lots was plowed nicely.  The snow on the beach was quite deep and over the height of my boots.

I tried to leave the camera outside on the tripod, but the batteries went dead in minutes in the extreme cold.  I sat in the car with the heated seat on high and dashed out periodically to take some shots.  It took more time to scarf and glove-up than it did to quickly dash out, snap a few frames and head back to the car before the sting of the cold became unbearable.

The clouds and steam turned out in abundance this a.m.  It was another beautiful Bay City sunrise scene.

Views: 249

LAKE PEPIN SUNRISE – Warrentown, WI #sunrise


This beautiful lake in twenty-two miles long, varies in width from one to two and a half miles, and overs about thirty-eight square miles.  It was caused by the delta of the Chippewa spreading across the gorge of the Mississippi at the southeastern end of the Lake.  Because of its steeper grad, the smaller Chippewa was able to bring in more glacial debris than the Mississippi could carry away.  This delta provided a natural dam and as the water was backed up, Lake Pepin was formed.  State Highway 35 hugs Lake Pepin along most of its Wisconsin shore and has been called on of the most scenic drives in America.

Lake Pepin
Delta creating a natural dam

One of Lake Pepin’s admirers was William Cullen Bryant.  He praised its natural scenery and declared the area “ought to be visited in the summer by every poet and painter in the land.”  ~Geographical Marker, Hwy 35, Warrentown, WI.

I would add photographers to Bryant’s list as well.  I would also argue all seasons; not just summer.  Having grown up in the area,  I’ve always known the lake as well as the  rivers, streams, bluffs, beaches and views from many areas surrounding Lake Pepin.  The more I photograph the area, the more I appreciate its beauty.

Change of plans

I was not able to [easily] reach my normal sunrise spot in Bay City this a.m. due to back to back 10″ snowfall days.  I was actually stuck at one point and thankfully managed to maneuver my way out.  It was plenty cold out too.  I wasn’t really interesting in wading through huge snow banks to get to my normal spot.

I called an audible and headed further down the road to another spot with an excellent vantage point.  There is a geographical marker along Hwy 35 not far past a wayside rest just before Warrentown.  The view from there is expansive.  I have hesitated in the past to photograph from here as the trees have grown up and block some of the view.  This has limited the locations from which you can photograph from.  This is no longer an issue now with drone capabilities.

A few overhead photos.  I am growing more fond of this perspective.

Given the lack of clouds this a.m., I think this is my favorite shot of the morning.  The color washing over the ripples in the snow drifts on the lake was pretty amazing.

2019-02-09 DF015-0708


There is a very important initiative in regards to Lake Pepin right now; please check out Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance to learn more.  Please consider supporting this effort in whatever form you are able.

Views: 279



The huge temperature swing was refreshing this morning.  No crazy sub-zero temps or windchill’s to contend with.  Instead, we were in for a hazy February sunrise.

The crescent moon just above the horizon upon arrival was an unanticipated bonus.

2019-02-02 16-35 Bay City, WI-2524-HDR-2

Jupiter and Venus where still shining bright as were quite a few stars.  It was a spectacular site.

2019-02-02 16-35 Bay City, WI-2524-HDR

The sunrise sequence was filled with a lot of color and wonderful clouds.

Pre-sunrise time lapse

Sunrise time lapse


Drone Photos

Vertical Panoramas

Horizontal Panoramas

2019-02-02 DF014 Bay City-0586-Edit

2019-02-02 DF014 Bay City-0621-Edit

2019-02-02 DF014 Bay City-0644-Edit

Drone Video

Views: 330

BRRR-B-B-BEAUTIFUL SUNRISE (-19F) – Bay City, WI #sunrise


I didn’t sleep in this morning.  The weather forecast was good as was the Photographer’s Ephemeris Skyfire sunrise prediction.  It was a titch chilly, but with a hot cup of Caribou and the proper clothing, this wasn’t going to be a big deal.  It was a Brrr-b-b-beautiful sunrise.  The pre-sunrise color was spectacular.

2019-01-27 1500-600 Bay City, WI-1693-Pano
23 Frame D700 Pano
2019-01-27 1500-600 Bay City, WI-1727-Pano
25 Frame D700 Pano

The sunrise wasn’t too bad either.

At 16mm

At 150mm

Beautiful morning all-the-way-around.


A short time lapse of the sunrise and steam this morning

Views: 170

GO ANYWAY – Don’t trust a forecast #sunrise


I know better.  When in doubt…go anyway.  Even in sub-zero weather.  You can always go back home.

This last Friday I looked at the forecast and figured I should pass based on the cloudy forecast and pending snow.  The Photographer’s Ephemeris  Skyfire, however, was predicting a good sunrise.

I elected to sleep in.  By the time I woke up and looked outside it way beyond sunrise and it looked like I missed a good one despite the forecast.

By the time I reached Bay City, the snow clouds were moving in and the sun was barely visible.

2019-01-26 Bay City, Maiden Rock & Birds-1613
Bay City
2019-01-26 Bay City, Maiden Rock & Birds-1612
Bay City

I drove to Maiden Rock to see how the ice looked there.  The ice heaves are nothing closed to what they have been in years past.  I stopped by the Warrentown Coulee Wayside before Maiden Rock to capture the wide-open vastness from that location.

2019-01-26 Bay City, Maiden Rock & Birds-1620
Warrentown Coulee Wayside
2019-01-26 Bay City, Maiden Rock & Birds-1621
Maiden Rock

Lots of ice fisher people.  The clouds were closing in and the light fading fast.  It didn’t take long for the sun to disappear altogether.  By the time I arrived back at Bay City is was almost a complete white-out.

2019-01-26 Bay City, Maiden Rock & Birds-1624
Bay City
2019-01-26 Bay City, Maiden Rock & Birds-1623
Bay City


Views: 147

ELEVATED GOLDEN HOUR – Lake City, MN #sunset


Having had so much fun this a.m. shooting sunrise, I decided to head out this afternoon and see what I could do with the afternoon golden hour.  I brought the best wife ever along so she could see how much fun this is.  Here she is standing next to me for a selfie.

2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0162
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/20 seconds | 10.26 mm

The light was wonderful.  The limestone faces of the bluffs on the Wisconsin side of Lake Pepin glowed orange as the sun went down.

2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0136
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm


The practice continues on drone panorama photography.  It’s all completely manual at this point as I have not delved into the automated features of the Mavic 2 Pro.

The wayside rest next to Hansen’s Harbor between Frontenac and Lake City was an interesting location.  I was a nice wide open expanse to practice flying around.  The ice on the lake was very interesting, colorful and full of texture.

2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0147-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm | 9 Frames
2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0151-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm | 11 Frames
2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0171-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm | 9 Frames

A few more single shots


Views: 211

BARN BLUFF – Red Wing, MN #exploremn


Barn Bluff is a bluff along the Mississippi River in Red Wing, Minnesota, United States. The bluff is associated with Dakota legend from hundreds of years ago. During the 19th century, the bluff functioned as a visual reference for explorers and travelers. The bluff overlooks the downtown area and towers about 400 feet above the Mississippi River with an extensive view of Lake Pepin to the south. It is one of hundreds of bluffs in the Driftless Area, which covers parts of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois, in addition to the southeastern toe of Minnesota. -wikipedia

Barn Bluff aka Mount La Grange and He Mni Can, is 3100′ long, 800′ wide, 334′ above the river and 1001′ above sea level.  There are two main lookouts (red dots) on either end of the bluff; both equally spectacular.   The main trailhead can be accessed on the East side;  off of East 5th Street (blue dot).  See Map for trail details.  More info on Barn Bluff here.  If you even find yourself in Red Wing, plan on spending a couple of hours hiking the bluff; you won’t be disappointed. Sat_Map

The West (Red Wing ) Overlook

East (Lake Pepin) Overlook


Old Post Cards

Stairway to Mount La Grange Red Wing
Stairway to Mount La Grange Red Wing
Above High Bridge on Barn Bluff, Mount La Grange Red Wing
Above High Bridge on Barn Bluff, Mount La Grange Red Wing

Views: 759

2016-12-29 Lake Pepin

Lake Pepin

2016-12-29 Lake Pepin

Views: 294