Tag Archives: Lake City

LAKE CITY, MN – Panoramic Lake Views #aerialphotography

LAKE CITY, MN – Panoramic Lake Views

2019-09-26 DF069 Lake City Tornado-0001-Edit

The city of Lake City is located 65 miles  southeast of the Twin Cities at the intersection of U.S. Highways 61 and 63 on the Mississippi River at Lake Pepin. Lac de Pleurs (Lake of Tears) was the name given to Lake Pepin by Father Louis Hennepin, who camped on the shore of the lake in 1680. He christened the large body of water Lac de Pleurs after observing his Sioux captors weeping near the lake over the death of a chief’s son. The war party of Isanti Sioux had captured Hennepin and his two companions several miles south along the Mississippi and were camping near the lake on their return north to their Sioux villages near present-day Mille Lacs. ~wikipedia

On September 24th Lake City was hit with an EF0 tornado.  Here are a few aerial images of an area that experienced some damage.


Views: 242

ELEVATED GOLDEN HOUR – Lake City, MN #sunset


Having had so much fun this a.m. shooting sunrise, I decided to head out this afternoon and see what I could do with the afternoon golden hour.  I brought the best wife ever along so she could see how much fun this is.  Here she is standing next to me for a selfie.

2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0162
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/20 seconds | 10.26 mm

The light was wonderful.  The limestone faces of the bluffs on the Wisconsin side of Lake Pepin glowed orange as the sun went down.

2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0136
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm


The practice continues on drone panorama photography.  It’s all completely manual at this point as I have not delved into the automated features of the Mavic 2 Pro.

The wayside rest next to Hansen’s Harbor between Frontenac and Lake City was an interesting location.  I was a nice wide open expanse to practice flying around.  The ice on the lake was very interesting, colorful and full of texture.

2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0147-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm | 9 Frames
2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0151-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm | 11 Frames
2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0171-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm | 9 Frames

A few more single shots


Views: 211