Tag Archives: #Ireland

iPhone 6S for travel photography

Photo Oct 27, 1 07 00 AM
iPhone 6S Camera App

My wife and I recently visited Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.  We traveled around the entire island.  As you can imagine, the scenery and sites where quite picturesque.

4k (1)
Image from petapixel.com

Just before leaving on our trip we upgraded our iPhone from 5S to 6S.  I was and continue to be very impressed with this rendition.  The camera stills and 4k video are outstanding.  We opted for the 64GB model thinking we didn’t want to run out of space due to large amount of photos and videos.  We didn’t even come close; a 32GB model would have suffice, but that is no longer an option.  In total, I alone shot 77 panoramas, 35 Selfies, 22 Videos and hundreds of other photos.

The panorama feature is by far my favorite.  As a photographer that has shot, stitched and edit numerous panorama’s from a DSLRs files – using an iPhone for this purpose is almost effortless.

12 day photo map
Map Module in LR

Another wonderful feature is the geo tagging of every photo.  The GPS data is nice to have when you import all of your photos into Lightroom.  The Map Module quickly and easily displays all of the location your used your iPhone.  I do have a GPS device for our Nikon DLS.  The Nikon GP-1A GPS Unit seemingly takes a while to lock in its position.  I don’t want to spend my time waiting on a green light to take a photo.  I leave it home more frequently now that I shoot with both my DSLR and iPhone.

Image from digital-photography-school.com

Our Nikon D700 and iPhone 6S each have a 12MP sensor.  Hard to believe.  The sensors are very different though.  The D700 sensor measures 36x24mm and the iPhone just 4.8×3.6mm.  I am amazed at the quality that something so tiny can produce; however, It does have many limitation.  It doesn’t even begin to perform as well as the larger one.  Low light, action and overall quality are very different.  But when you consider ease of use, size, and the complete package the iPhone places in your finger tips; in my opinion it is hard not to consider it a serious camera for traveling and a complete replacement for a point and shoot camera altogether.  With the addition of a third party camera app like ProCamera, you have most manual setting at your fingertips.  I like ProCamera as it also allows you to insert your copyright info into the EXIF data of every image.

A new feature on the recent iPhone release is Live Photo.  It is an interesting and entertaining feature.  The result is both an image file and movie file; when you import the photo into Lightroom, the .jpg is hidden.  Your options and solution to this issue can be found [here].

Stay tuned for deluge of photos I captured while on holiday in Ireland.  I’ve reviewed and processed all the photos from my iPhone thus far and have a few thousand to work through from other cameras I shot with.

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