Tag Archives: Highway 35

WIND RIVER – Diamond Bluff, WI #greatriverroad


The Wind River is a minor tributary of the Mississippi River in western Wisconsin in the United States. It flows for its entire 9.0-mile (14.5 km) length in western Pierce County. It rises in the town of Trimbelle and flows southward through the towns of Oak Grove and Diamond Bluff. Wind River joins the Mississippi near the unincorporated community of Diamond Bluff, which is within the larger jurisdiction (the town).   ~wikipedia

Wind River

I’ve driven past Wind River on Highway 35 thousands of times and never really gave it much thought.  It’s rather small and not particularly picturesque from the the highway.  You can bet a better look at in along 1005th Street.  The view from the air provides an entirely different perspective.  There are so many of these little pristine spring-fed streams and rivers feeding into the mighty Mississippi.

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Horizon to Horizon Panorama
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Wind River Delta @ Mississippi River
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Vertical Panorama
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The view from Wind River Valley facing South; beyond the main channel of the Mississippi River toward Sturgeon Lake and Treasure Island

Some additional view of sandbars in the backwaters of the area

Views: 266

DIAMOND BLUFF – WI, Sunset #greatriverroad

A French settler, Monte Diamond, named the community after the area’s limestone bluffs.  The unincorporated community of Diamond Bluff is located along highway 35, the Great River Road, on the mighty Mississippi River.

Looking West from Diamond Bluff.  Treasure Island Casino and the Prairie Island Nuclear Plant is off in the the distance.

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Looking East at Diamond Bluff

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Mid-river views

Vertical panorama, up river with post sunset colors on the horizon

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Views: 220