Tag Archives: Geese

PRE-SUNSRISE COLOR – Bay City, WI #presunrisecolor


There is nothing quite like the the palette of color nature displays prior to the sun rising above the horizon.  Pre-sunrise color can be quite spectacular; as was the case this morning.

Don’t forget to look all around before the sun comes up and the vivid color is gone.

2018-12-16 Bay City-9146
iPhone pano

Once the sun broke the horizon the pinks/reds disappeared; the blue and yellow became more defined.


A constant stream of ducks doing flybys pre-sunrise; if you look close enough you can see them in one of the shots.  There were lots of geese honking.  A single pair a swans swam close by.  Two eagles chattered on and on in a nearby Cottonwood Tree.  What a great morning and start to the day.



Views: 201

Abandoned Hunting: The In-Between | MN, SD & ND

This is the follow up post to Abandoned Hunting | MN, SD & ND.

We were afforded quite a variety of scenery and subjects in our travels.  The wildlife was plentiful and spectacular.  The sheer number of geese that will congregate in one area can be quite the spectacle.  We were reminded how nature can often be raw and brutal.  We witnessed a bald eagle ripping away at a deer carcass and another that dispatched Fluffy on the side of a road and then proceeded to carry it away.  The Whitetail deer were seemingly as numerous as grains of sands.  There were three different occasions that we spotted entire herds milling about in the middle of the day.  I very much enjoyed the small towns we passed through.  I could have spent a lot of time photographing their character, but per usual, we were on a mission.

Views: 342