As we traveled along the North Shore on our way to Gooseberry Falls State Park we stumbled upon an interesting destination. Cooter Pottery is located a few miles northeast of Two Harbors, MN; the turn is just past Betty’s Pies – look for their sign. On the sort 3 mile trip off of the beaten path you will drive right by the Northern Rail Traincar Inn on your way to Cooter Pottery. The rail cars appeared plenty cozy. We may have to stay there some time.
Dick Cooter
My pots are fired in a 125 cu. ft. wood-burning kiln inspired by traditional Korean kilns. The kiln much be stoked with wood every 10 minutes for 36 hours until 2400 degrees Fahrenheit is reached. Pots emerge from this river of fire with a richness of surface that cannot be duplicated by more modern means.
The pots are sturdy, simple and reflect the processes of making them. I intend my pots be used for storage, serving and preparation of food, display of flowers, etc. I hope they bring pleasure and joy to the rituals of daily life. They are free of toxic materials and are dishwasher and microwave safe.
I follow the tradition in which making a pot is a collaboration among clay, fire, potter and user. The potter seeks the tension among them so that each element has its place and none dominates for too long.
Dick Cooter’s studio is open daily 10-5 year round. The next time you are in the area stop by and see his pottery.
Dick Cooter Pottery | 2046 Fors Rd., Two Harbors, MN 55616 | 218-834-5242
Here are my photos of my recent visit to Cooter Pottery.
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