We started our day off at Colneen House B&B in Tramore just like every other morning in Ireland – BREAKFAST! In avoiding major metropolitan areas as much as possible, we made our way towards a ferry town – Passage East through Crooke town. The only bridges across the River Suir were in Waterford. We stopped for coffee at Burke’s Daybreak. The dog poop signs were everywhere we stopped in Ireland and were usually humorous. If only they paid that much attention to litter in general. There was a fair bit of rubbish which was very surprising for such a beautiful country.
Crooke is the “crook” in “By hook or by crook.” Hook and Crook are the names of headlands on either side of a bay by Waterford, Ireland. Hook Head and Crooke are on opposite sides of the Waterford channel. Cromwell is reputed to have said that Waterford would fall ‘by Hook or by Crooke’, that is, by a landing of his army at one of those two places during the siege of the town in 1649/50.
Right next to the filling station we noticed St. John the Baptist Church and decided to take a closer look.
When we arrived back at the car I notices a crow behaving weirdly atop a building across the street.
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