Tag Archives: 365 Project

From the Archives – 2016 *60 Images

From the Archives – 2016

For three years (2014, 2015 & 2016) I published a photo a day (not shot and posted a single photo).   My version of a less stringent 365 project.  Throughout that period I shot a significant amount of photos that were not published for whatever reason.  Here are the miscellaneous images from 2016 (60) images).

2014 356 Images2015 365 Images2016 365 Images

Views: 343

From the Archives – 2015 *121 Images

From the Archives – 2015

For three years (2014, 2015 & 2016) I published a photo a day (not shot and posted a single photo).   My version of a less stringent 365 project.  Throughout that period I shot a significant amount of photos that were not published for whatever reason.  Here are the miscellaneous images from 2015 (121) images).

2014 365 Images2015 365 Images2016 365 Images

Views: 345

From the Archives – 2014 *60 Images

From the Archives – 2014

For three years (2014, 2015 & 2016) I published a photo a day (not shot and posted a single photo).   My version of a less stringent 365 project.  Throughout that period I shot a significant amount of photos that were not published for whatever reason.  Here are the miscellaneous images from 2014 (60 images).

2014 365 Images2015 365 Images2016 365 Images


Views: 392

Looking Forward – 2017

Happy New Year everyone.

I’ve decided not to continue on with a photo a day project for 2017.  My project began three years ago in 2014.  I did not intend on continuing it past 2014, but I did for two more years :2015 & 2016.  As an avid photographer, finding and shooting subject matter wasn’t difficult.  This photo a day project wasn’t the typical  365 project where you would shoot and post a photo the same day, but rather simply posting a photo a day.  I did try to post photos within a week or two of shooting and that worked well.

[365 photo project ideas] – Have you ever done a specific and/or theme photo project?  Please share your experience in comments.

If you have never embarked on such a project I would highly recommend doing so.  For me, it kept me shooting.  I have carried my DSLR with me continuously for a several years now and still do; it just became a habit.  Having a camera with you definitely makes this type of project easier.  In this day and age – smartphones makes this even easier; I did use my smartphone at times over the last few years.  The other aspect of a project like this is it may yield unsuspecting things – illuminating subject matter that you are drawn to.  I have amassed a number of themed photo collections on my blog; the largest being a collection of vanity license plates photos – weird huh? They often amuse me.

I do continue to take part in a B&W project on a blog called Monochromia where I am a regular contributor (on Fridays) as is my lovely and talented wife, Cyndie (on Tuesdays).  If you like B&W photography, be sure to check out Monochromia.

Photo blog postings will likely lessen significantly for me in 2017 as I direct my time and efforts elsewhere for a bit.  I would like to finish up my Ireland photos from April 2016 and Colorado photos from September 2016.  Winter seems like a great time to get caught up.  I would also like to spend some time exploring the entire suite of features that the Topaz Complete Collection has to offer.

Ireland D700-5261-HDR
Sky Road – Clifden, County Galway, Republic of Ireland

In closing, I would like to thank all my blog followers and commenters.  I appreciate your likes and comments; It’s been a great few years of photos for me and I hope you all have enjoyed this project as well.

Have a great 2017 everyone; happy shooting!


Views: 130

And there you have it – 2014 – 365

2014-365And there you have it…a 365 project done.  Mine was not the traditional take a photo a day 365 project, but rather post at least one photo per day.  There were a few days where I posted more than one; I ended up with 391 total photo for my 2014 365 project.  I know there wasn’t a day that passed in 2014 that I didn’t capture at least one frame though.  I shoot everyday.  In my experience, it is more efficient to shoot for a week, post process, decide what images to post and then schedule the post instead of publishing immediately and daily.  There is less pressure this way – a little.  I also keep things seasonal (e.g. don’t post summer in fall or winter); most shots posted within a week of being shot .   You still need to find shots; thankfully I do not have any issues finding interesting things.  I am fortunate to traverse both rural and urban spaces almost daily, at least M-F.  This affords me a wide variety of material.

Here are a few favorite moments/frames of 2014 (chronological order).

  1. 01-12-14 Solar Mannequin
  2. 01-26-14 Turkey Jam
  3. 02-13-14 New Day Blush
  4. 04-18-14 Waldo?
  5. 07-17-14 Dandelion Harvest
  6. 07-22-14 Eye Contract
  7. 08-03-14 Walk The Pony
  8. 08-06-14 Drugs & Liquor
  9. 08-24-14 Country Elevator #6
  10. 09-06-14 Roller Commute
  11. 09-27-14 Curiosity Kid
  12. 11-05-14 Withdrawal
  13. 11-25-14 ME SO BIG
  14. 12-03-14 Look Mom, No Hands!
  15. 12-06-14 Give Thanks 
  16. 12-19-14 Back Channel

Wishing everyone happy shooting in 2015


Views: 240