It is mornings like this that I really do not look forward to getting up even earlier to shovel snow and spend two hours driving into St. Paul. Thankfully the snowplows were out in full force trying to keep up with the accumulation. Every time it snows I think of what a hard job it must be and the long hours. I really appreciate their work…until it lands at the end of my driveway. That part of their job I am not so enamored with.
Views: 76
Looks the same as up here in Ontario – Brrrr!!!!
I can honestly say I do not miss the shoveling part. But I do long for the snow covered hills and the quiet morning after a fresh snowfall.
I agree. There is nothing like the calm and the visions during and immediately following a snowfall.
I don’t know how you do that daily commute.
My husband drove from Faribault to the Mpls-St. Paul airport yesterday to drop our son off. The northbound lane of Interstate 35 had not been plowed when we left at 4:15 a.m. The roads were horrible, but most drivers were driving for the conditions, with the exception of a few, including some semi truck drivers.
Randy classified driving conditions as “poor.” We arrived at 5:30 a.m., an hour before the flight departed.
On the drive back, we realized how fortunate we were that our son had booked an early flight because traffic was barely moving heading north and east. We would never had made it on time had we left even 15 minutes later.
The drive home was much better with the southbound lanes of 35 from Burnsville on plowed.
yes, that is winter alright…we have the same thing in Ontario…darn cold here!!!!
I wish Winter were only 1 or 2 months tops. That would make it more bearable.
Be careful. My niece goes to University of MN and she was one of those cars on the side of the road! Stay warm!
Always – bad weather/roads is never anything to mess around with.
I feel bad “liking” this, LOL
Are these shots from your camera or Gopro?!
Dslr camera