I took this photo while my wife and I were kayaking the back channel of the Mississippi River near Red Wing, MN. I wasn’t expecting to take the photo, but when the rock I tossed skipped on and on and on, I raised my camera and shot from the hip.
I am having a hard time naming this image. Thoughts? Please make suggestions in the comment section below. Thanks!
Views: 108
ripple effect
Concentric rings
The Ripple Effect. AMAZING Capture
Happy Day!
“Rippling Mirror”
International Olympic Committee copyright infringement……….LOL
Summer, as viewed from winter.
Love ripple effect!!
My vote is with Ripple Effect too!
Skipping into serenity
A very nice reflection!
“Ringing true”
I like “Skipping into serenity”.
Totally unoriginal! Ripples
That is an amazing “grab shot.” Wow. It’s beautiful. Skipping to eternity?
Thank you everyone for you suggestions. I’ll mash them all up in my head and see what sticks.