While in Grand Portage, the fog cleared enough on the morning we were to depart long enough, to get a sunrise shoot in. It was early and the mosquito’s relentless in their desire to rid us of our blood. It is not exactly in the forefront of your mind to get up at 4:30 a.m. while on vacation, but some days it is worth it.
We stayed at Grand Portage Casio instead of Hollow Rock Resort because we were only going to be in this location for a day (two-day minimum stays :-\ boo). I get it, though, why mess up a cabin for only one night. I definitely want to get back here and stay the minimum two night or more. We inquired at the front desk if it would be o.k. to go to the resort and shoot the sunrise; it wasn’t an issue. Drive in, park, be quiet and get your shoot on.
Hallow Rock is right out the front door of most of the cabins as are wonderful views of the lake and shoreline. It is a beautiful location to capture a sunrise. I consulted the Photographer’s Ephemeris for details. There would be no sunrise alignment in July, but you can catch the light in the hollow rock. If you are looking for absolute alignment and want to see the sun rise through the hollow rock, sometime between October 13 – 20 is likely your best opportunity. There is some room for variation of position on the shoreline, but I think that would be the most ideal window to work with. Sunrise is at a more reasonable hour (7:15 a.m.) and there would hopefully be less skeeters then too

Here are my shots of that lovely morning sunrise.
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