Category Archives: Panorama

BRRR-B-B-BEAUTIFUL SUNRISE (-19F) – Bay City, WI #sunrise


I didn’t sleep in this morning.  The weather forecast was good as was the Photographer’s Ephemeris Skyfire sunrise prediction.  It was a titch chilly, but with a hot cup of Caribou and the proper clothing, this wasn’t going to be a big deal.  It was a Brrr-b-b-beautiful sunrise.  The pre-sunrise color was spectacular.

2019-01-27 1500-600 Bay City, WI-1693-Pano
23 Frame D700 Pano
2019-01-27 1500-600 Bay City, WI-1727-Pano
25 Frame D700 Pano

The sunrise wasn’t too bad either.

At 16mm

At 150mm

Beautiful morning all-the-way-around.


A short time lapse of the sunrise and steam this morning

Views: 170

DANCING STEAM – Bay City, Wi #sunrise


Every time I see the steam rising off of the open water one of Abbas songs starts to play in my head with queen replaced with steam.  You know the song I am referring to.  Good luck getting that out of your head now.  You are welcome 🙂

This a.m. I remembered my spotlight and managed a short snippet of the steam.  It was -11 and the camera froze up in just under an hour.

2019-01-20 D700 Bay City Sunrise-1378
Nikon D700 | ISO 800 | 150mm | f/7.1 | 1/160 second
2019-01-20 D700 Bay City Sunrise-1373
Nikon D700 | ISO 800 | 150mm | f/7.1 | 1/40 second

It was a pretty spectacular sunset this a.m.  The color was beautiful.

2019-01-20 D700 Bay City Sunrise-1925


2019-01-20 D700 Bay City Sunrise-1399
Just before sunrise
2019-01-20 D700 Bay City Sunrise-1455-HDR

Here is a panorama I shot; you can see the long line of steam

2019-01-20 D700 Bay City Sunrise-1379-Pano

No drone photos/video this a.m.  Too cloud to stand around for very long.

Views: 236

SUBZERO SUNRISE – Bay City, Wi #sunrise


It was a subzero sunrise this a.m.  Albeit only by a degree, it was enough to bite your exposed fingertips and slap you in the face.  The camera bared most of the cold atop the tripod just outside my toasty warm car.   You can see that Jupiter and Venus have ventured significantly closer to one another.

2019-01-19 D700 Bay City Sunrise-1570
Nikon D700 | ISO 200 | 16mm | f/7.1 | 6 seconds

I forgot my spotlight this a.m. that I use to aid in obtaining a focal point.  I ended up with a short and out-of-focus time lapse sequence.  It is still a bit interesting; especially the steam rising off the opening in the ice.

Drone Video

Drone Photos

2019-01-19 DF013 Bay City Sunrise-0558
Critter Trails


360 converted to sphere


Views: 175

MIDWEEK SUNSET – Maiden Rock, WI #sunset


The conditions were favorable and I was able to get home at a reasonable enough time to get out and enjoy a midweek sunset.  Maiden Rock, WI is another favorite spot; mostly for sunsets given the angle of sunrise throughout the year not being as favorable in this location.  There are typically large ice heaves just off the shore, but not this year.  Plenty of cracks and other interesting designs in the ice though.

Fellow photog, Jeff Marcus, joined me this beautiful afternoon.  We had the beach all to ourselves this fine January afternoon.

The ice on Lake Pepin was smooth and had no snow cover.  There were a handful of ice fishermen trying their and people ice skating too all over the bay.

2019-01-16 D700 Maiden Rock-1541-HDR
Nikon D700 | ISO 200 | 16mm | f/11 | 1/160 second
2019-01-16 D700 Maiden Rock-1550-HDR
Nikon D700 | ISO 200 | 16mm | f/11 | 1/60 second

Drone Photos

Drone Video

D700 Time lapse Video Clip


Views: 228



2019-01-11 River Terrace SNA-0370-Edit
Mavic 2 Pro | ISO 100 | f/4 | 1/25 seconds | 10.26 mm | 8 Frames

River Terrace Prairie Scientific and Natural Area at sunset Friday January the 11th, 2019.

Even viewed from a mile away, is a striking feature on the landscape. This site was protected as an SNA for its dry sand – gravel prairie (Southern subtype), which is ranked as an imperiled native plant community in the state. It occurs here on glacial outwash atop an isolated terrace of the Cannon River that rises sharply 30 feet above the surrounding lower terrace.

River Terrace Prairie SNA

Views: 226

PINE CREEK – Maiden Rock, WI #aerialphotography


After shooting sunrise in Bay City Friday morning  and heading further down river to Maiden Rock chasing the sunrise, I went to a favorite spot of mine close by to explore it from a whole new perspective.   I have many fond memories of Pine Creek as child.  There was a pretty amazing restoration project in this area and the recreation area open to the public is very nice.  Here is an article about the Pine Creek Project from August 2018.

2019-01-11 DF006 – Pine Creek-0327-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/2.8| 1/640 seconds | 10.26 mm | 5 Frames
2019-01-11 DF006 – Pine Creek-0343-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/2.8| 1/640 seconds | 10.26 mm | 7 Frames

The views directly overhead were pretty great.  Love capturing this new point of view.



Views: 222

RISING SUN – Maiden Rock, WI #sunrise


After shooting sunrise in Bay City Friday morning, I headed further down river to Maiden Rock.  I made it there just in time to see the sun rising over the bluffs.  The sunlight warmed up the blue-cold landscape instantly creating a lovely scene.

2019-01-11 DF005 – 2019-01-05 DF006 – Maiden Rock-0273
Mavic 2 Pro | ISO 100 | f/5 | 1/640 seconds | 10.26 mm

Maiden Rock Panoramas

2019-01-11 DF005 – 2019-01-05 DF006 – Maiden Rock-0272-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/5 | 1/640 seconds | 10.26 mm | 7 Frames
2019-01-11 DF005 – 2019-01-05 DF006 – Maiden Rock-0279-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro | ISO 100 | f/4.5 | 1/640 seconds | 10.26 mm | 9 Frames
2019-01-11 DF005 – 2019-01-05 DF006 – Maiden Rock-0309-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/3.2 | 1/640 seconds | 10.26 mm | 5 Frames
2019-01-11 DF005 – 2019-01-05 DF006 – Maiden Rock-0314-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/3.2 | 1/640 seconds | 10.26 mm | 8 Frames

The ice is pretty fascinating as seen from above.


Views: 134

ELEVATED GOLDEN HOUR – Lake City, MN #sunset


Having had so much fun this a.m. shooting sunrise, I decided to head out this afternoon and see what I could do with the afternoon golden hour.  I brought the best wife ever along so she could see how much fun this is.  Here she is standing next to me for a selfie.

2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0162
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/20 seconds | 10.26 mm

The light was wonderful.  The limestone faces of the bluffs on the Wisconsin side of Lake Pepin glowed orange as the sun went down.

2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0136
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm


The practice continues on drone panorama photography.  It’s all completely manual at this point as I have not delved into the automated features of the Mavic 2 Pro.

The wayside rest next to Hansen’s Harbor between Frontenac and Lake City was an interesting location.  I was a nice wide open expanse to practice flying around.  The ice on the lake was very interesting, colorful and full of texture.

2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0147-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm | 9 Frames
2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0151-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm | 11 Frames
2019-01-05 DF004 – Hansen’s Harbor Wayside-0171-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 100 | f/8 | 1/50 seconds | 10.26 mm | 9 Frames

A few more single shots


Views: 211

A NEW PERSPECTIVE – Bay City, WI #sunrise


When I arrived at my favorite sunrise location this a.m. the sky was quite clear; so clear that you could see Jupiter (bottom) and Venus (top) easily next to the silhouette of the tree.

2019-01-05 D700 – Bay City-9965
D700 ISO 200 | f/7.1 | 25 seconds | 17 mm

January starts out with Venus shining above Jupiter in the morning sky, yet the month ends with Jupiter shining above Venus. Day by day, Jupiter climbs upward, away from the sunrise, while Venus sinks downward, toward the rising sun. The two will meet for a conjunction in the morning sky on January 22, 2019.

As the morning progressed the clouds cooperated wonderfully even though a completely clear sky was in the forecast for this morning.  This morning started out like most other mornings at this particular location, but the situation changed dramatically.  The new perspective is courtesy of a DJI Mavic 2 Pro drone I received for Christmas from the best wife ever.

I am pretty happy with the results given this was my third flight and first ever attempt at shooting the sunrise with a drone.  The shots are a titch grainy given ISO 400 .   The vertical panorama is my favorite drone photo of the day.  This morning without a doubt spawned an enthusiasm for drone photography that will not likely subside any time soon.

Horizontal Panorama

2019-01-05 DF003 – Bay City-0053-Pano
Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 400 | f/9 | 1/60 seconds | 10.26 mm | 7 Frames

Vertical Panorama

2019-01-05 DF003 – Bay City-0060-Pano

Mavic 2 Pro| ISO 400 | f/9 | 1/60 seconds | 10.26 mm | 12 Frames

Two more panoramas.

Additional Drone Single-Frame Photos


A short video clip from this a.m.

Photo by Jeff Marcus

Views: 201