Category Archives: Photography

2016-07-27 Corner Can Redemption

Corner Can Redemption – Sheldon, IA

2016-07-27 Corner Can Redemption

Views: 132

2016-07-26 Downtown Hardware

Downtown Hardware – Sheldon, IA

2016-07-26 Downtown Hardware

Views: 146


The adventure continues

Our destination for the evening after stopping at Glencar Waterfall was Westport town in County Mayo.  This was the only day that I wish we had secured a mobile phone.  *I did send the B&B an email to tell them that we would be running late; they didn’t see it.

When we arrived at Carrabaun House no one was there and it was locked up tight.  After checking every filling station in town, we were able to find a pay phone back at the town centre, however using it was another matter.  The directions and prompts were all on-screen; a screen that was completely scratched and not recognizable.  I met a very nice and severely intoxicated man who had no minutes on his phone, but wanted to sit a wee bit, have a conversation and figure out how to help me.  This day of our trip was Cyndie’s birthday and it was getting late; not sure what else to do I walked into the grocery/liquor store on the corner and asked a cashier if they could dial up the B&B for me.  She did with no hesitation and would not accept any money for her efforts.   Wonderful and helpful people in Ireland.

J.J O’Malleys

After getting settled at back at the B&B, we headed back into Westport for dinner at J.J O’Malleys.  At this point we were both pretty much exhausted and starving.  Not exactly the birthday evening I had planned for Cyndie.  The food was tasty and the pints divine.

2016-04-28 J.J O Malleys-Bar and Restaurant 2 2016-04-28 J.J O Malleys-Bar and Restaurant

We awoke to another gorgeous day in Ireland.  The view from our room was amazing.  We could see our destination right out on the horizon.  Another Traditional Irish Breakfast was in order; then we’d be on our way.

Carrabaun House

*If you are going to travel Ireland via car and stay at B&B’s that you book in advance I would highly recommend stating an arrival time of 7-8 p.m.  If you are early, it usually isn’t a problem.  The only issue you may encounter is if the owners/caretakers do not live at the property.  That was the case here.

Croagh Patrick

Croagh Patrick, which overlooks Clew Bay in County Mayo, is considered the holiest mountain in Ireland.  The tradition of pilgrimage to this holy mountain stretches back over 5,000 years from the Stone Age to the present day without interruption. Its religious significance dates back to the time of the pagans, when people are thought to have gathered here to celebrate the beginning of harvest season. – wikipedia

As you can see from the first few thumbnail images, this mountain if massive.  All the photos were taken in order along the accent with the exception of the second to the last two taken on the decent.  This is an amazingly beautiful mountain, but don’t let the that fool you – it’ll bite you if you are not careful any paying attention to the terrain underfoot.  The path and trail were firm in the morning as it was slightly damp.  As the day went on though; with the sunshine and wind, the surface gets dryer and loose.  The path is very rocky; not smooth by any means.

I was not able to make it all the way to the summit.  You can see a bit of green indoor/outdoor carpet in this photo (above) just to the right of trail.  This is where I had to turn around, but not before a lengthy, rest, water and a few photos.  The trail to the summit was steep; I had no doubt I could have made it there, but getting down was more of the concern.  With a bad knee, making it as far as I did was accomplishment enough.  It was a beautiful day in Ireland with perfect weather; we could not of asked for anything more.

I ended up falling on the way back down, bruised my hip, tore up my hand, and cracked a lens hood – no damage to the lens itself or the camera thankfully.  We made it the rest of the way down without further incident.  It is quite a trip with magnificent views.  Allow plenty of time, wear good shoes, go slow and be careful.  You may want to get a walking stick from the visitor center.  We arrived early before it was open and it wasn’t an option unfortunately.

Croagh Patrick is renowned for its Patrician Pilgrimage in honour of Saint Patrick, Ireland’s patron saint. It was on the summit of the mountain that Saint Patrick fasted for forty days in 441 AD and the custom has been faithfully handed down from generation to generation. The Black Bell of Saint Patrick was a highly venerated relic on Croagh Patrick for many years.

The first stop on the pilgrimage is Saint Patrick’s statue erected in 1928 by Reverend Father Patterson with money he collected in America towards the rebuilding of Saint Mary’s Church in Westport.

Each year, The Reek, as it is colloquially known, attracts about 1 million pilgrims. On ‘Reek Sunday’, the last Sunday in July, over 25,000 pilgrims visit the Reek. At the top, there is a modern chapel where mass is celebrated and confessions are heard. Individuals and groups come from all over the world and include pilgrims, hill climbers, historians, archaeologists and nature lovers.

See more of Republic of Ireland 

See more of Northern Ireland

Views: 113

2016-07-25 Masonic Temple

Masonic Temple – Sheldon, IA

2016-07-25 Masonic Temple


Views: 332

Backyard Oasis

We have not had Orioles like this in the last few years.  Last weekend was an exception.  We have tried a few different style of feeders; perhaps that is what made this difference this year.  The glass tea-cup feeder we purchased at our local art fair and the other orange circle shaped one from Menards.  Maybe it’s just luck.

A friend of ours introduced us to the Audubon Bird Guide App (Thank you Linnae).  This app is very handy.  Pairing your smartphone up with a Bluetooth speaker allows you to play bird calls more loudly than just from your phone.  It certainly didn’t hurt the odds of seeing more Orioles.  It was a great way to spend an afternoon or two.  It is always a good day by the pond, camera in hand with an ice-cold beverage.

Northern Cardinals, Chickadees, Sparrows, Yellow Finch, House Finch and Nuthatch (not pictured) are always in yard at the feeders.  This particular afternoon PaPa Cardinal was showing the kids where to find a meal.

Chippy was out and about as well; so was Lucy.  She watches carefully for Chippy to make an appearance and tries like crazy to catch him, but hasn’t yet.  A backyard version of Wile E Coyote and the Roadrunner.  Lucy is a bit more coordinated than that coyote and comes close to catching Chippy every once in awhile.

The ample rainfall and warm weather has produced beautiful blooms.  The backyard is full of color once again.  This weekend we are wishing for the humidity to retreat so we can enjoy it some more.  Summer is short.  Enjoy what you can as often as you can.

Views: 239

2016-07-24 Farm Fresh

Farm Fresh

2016-07-24 Farm Fresh

Views: 39

2016-07-22 High-bridge Sunrise

High-bridge Sunrise

2016-07-22 High-Bridge Sunrise


Views: 266

2016-07-21 Shear Pleasure

Shear Pleasure

2016-07-21 Shear Pleasure

Views: 205