Category Archives: 2014 (365)

01.16.14 – Refined

Refined.  Shot from the hip (shoulder) @ 75 mph out my passenger window.  It is a technique I have worked on for a year or so 🙂

Koch Refinery -Hwy 52

01-16-14 Refined

Views: 180

01.15.14 – Let’s Get Weird

Let’s Get Weird.  Another one to add to my #On The Road collection.

01-15-14 Get Weird

Views: 123

01.14.14 – Those Doors Have Eyes

Those Doors Have Eyes

01-14-14 Garage

Views: 145

01.13.14 – Missing Pane

Missing Pane.

01-13-14 Missing Pane

Views: 79

01.12.14 – Solar Mannequin

Here is something you don’t see everyday.  A mannequin standing out in the yard with a solar charger strapped to its waste to power a rope light that runs through the yard.  There were two mannequins total.  I need one!

01-12-14 mannequin

Views: 130

01.11.14 – A Frosty Morning

A frost morning [and entire day].  A very cloudy day shielded the sun from ridding the needle and branches from their cold and clingy companion.  I spied this scene as we were returning from a trip to Princeton, MN.  A lovely evergreen tree line leading up to a small family farm.

Frosty Tree Line

Views: 131

01.10.14 – Love Line

Love Line.  The Power Lines that run between Energy Park Drive and the W. Pierce Butler Route have a unique shape to them.


Views: 95

01.09.14 – Art Bus

The “Art Bus.”  Another addition to the collection/#On the Road


Views: 128

01.08.14 – Here Comes The Sun

01.15.14 Here Comes The Sun

Here Comes The Sun.  The all-to-familiar lyrics were what first came to mind as I peered into my side mirror traveling across Hwy 60 this a.m. marveling at the colors of the sun about to rise.  Here comes the sun, here comes the sun.  And I say it’s all right.


George Harrison wrote this in Eric Clapton’s garden using one of Clapton’s acoustic guitars. When the Beatles’ manager Brian Epstein died in 1967, the band had to handle more of their accounting and business affairs, which Harrison hated. He wrote this after attending a round of business meetings. This song was inspired by the long winters in England which Harrison thought went on forever.

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it’s all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been clear


In the documentary The Material World, Eric Clapton talked about writing this song with Harrison: “It was one of those beautiful spring mornings. I think it was April, we were just walking around the garden with our guitars. I don’t do that, you know? This is what George brought to the situation. He was just a magical guy… we sat down at the bottom of the garden, looking gout, and the sun was shining; it was a beautiful morning, and he began to sing the opening lines (to “Here Comes the Sun”) and I just watched this thing come to life.

Views: 107

01.07.14 – PIZZAS

PIZZAS.  Another one to add to my #On The Road collection.


Views: 137