Double, double toil and trouble; water freezing, and corn syrup bubbles. Not exactly a Shakespearean moment…
I happened upon some remarkable images of bubbles, frozen and held intact. They where quite beautiful with great detail in wonderful light. <<read/see more>>

I thought to myself, “how hard can this be.” I searched for a bubble solution recipe, acquired my supplies and readied my mix. 6 cups water to 1 cup dish soap to 1/4 cup corn syrup. I equated this to 7:1/4 or 3.5:1/8 as I had bubble solution from the store and wasn’t going to mix completely from scratch. This is where I may have went wrong right from the start. I needed bubble-blowing implements and they naturally come in the store-bought solutions. I didn’t feel any need to dump that and start from scratch. After an initial failure, I began to dabble. I steadily and generously continued to add corn syrup until the bubbles held and froze. I ended up at 3 1/2:1 1/2 ratio of bubble solution to corn syrup. The other issue I encountered was wind on the deck; that just doesn’t work. I move my operation into the garage and blew my bubble on to an old card table. The whole exercise was not a complete fail. I succeeded in making a few frozen bubble. I certainly succeeded in make a mess.
The bubbles didn’t freeze fast enough with the garage door closed. The freeze time greatly improved with the door open, but the wind popped a lot. I’ll have to give this another whirl tomorrow perhaps when it will be even colder and I may not need the garage door open. We’ll see.
I think I have the solution mix down and just need to practice in creating and placing the bubbles. Here are my prize shots of the afternoon.
Views: 120
I’ll give you an A for effort as long as you cleaned up your mess.
I hear tomorrow will be colder. Better luck then?
All cleaned up. I hope tomorrow’s colder weather will yield better results.
I have been wanting to try this as well. Your images turned out wonderful! Looking forward to seeing more!
It wasn’t a bad first attempt. I think I have the mix ratio down now. Lighting and your background play a role in how the photo composition will end up. If you situate things right you may even end up with some nice bokeh.
HA! They look like “Jabba the Hutt” bubbles
A for effort! I have a feeling you will be trying tomorrow to 
I am laughing reading this because my husband is experimenting with creating ice containers for candles by filling ice cream buckets with water. Today marked his second attempt and apparently they turned out. But I was too busy watching Downton Abbey to pay attention and didn’t want to step outside into the deep freeze to see what he’d made.
What is it with you boys and playing with water/bubble/ice features?
Actually, I’d like my husband to create a whole bunch of these ice holders so we can set them around our yard.
There is a mad scientist in us all. We like to create things and will generally reach our goal preferably right away or after several attempts and even bodily injury. The later is more close to reality.
And so the question tonight when he arrived home was, “Did you make more ice candle holders?” Uh, no.
COOL Captures!!!
Thanks. I am hoping for more dazzling results later today.
Thank you for the visit and deciding to follow me.
This is so interesting. The third one is really beautiful !
Thank you.
Nice. Another thing to add to my list of things to try.
I need to try this.