2014 was a great year and I hope it was for all of you as well. I would like to take a moment to thank all those that have visited me this last year. I would like to give a special thanks my top 5 commenters: Minnesota Prairie Roots, Find the Beauty, Avian 101, Heather Cote, and krikitarts. Thank you for all of your comments this past year; they are greatly appreciated.
2014 Year in blogging annual report
I am looking forward to another great year of photography and interacting with you all in the blogosphere.
Happy New Year everyone!
Views: 218
Happy New Year to you and yours!
Thanks for the shout out, Dan. I am a big fan of your photography. I always learn something from your photos, whether it’s about perspective, light, subject or more.
Mostly, I appreciate how you find everyday life and scenes worth photographing. I especially enjoy your urban scenes, which truly are foreign to me. How you manage to capture these snippets from your vehicle continues to impress me. You are documenting life in a storytelling way that I find intriguing. You have that gift and I look forward to seeing more of your work in 2015.
Happy New Year Cindy and Dan
Nice annual review.
Happy New Year my dear friend!!
Thank you; same to you too